Thank You, Internets #xmasathome

I’m dropping in here as I have an un-anticipated extension to the cooking plans (why do cooking times on frozen roasts always get it so badly wrong?) and a bit of time to kill. Not that I have great plans, of course. As usual I’m spending Christmas by myself. And in years gone by that could be quite a lonely thing. Today, however, I have been chatting merrily with friends in Australia, India, Estonia, Finland, the UK, Barbados and the USA (and probably a few other countries I have forgotten). There is, I gather, even a Twitter hashtag for people who are spending Christmas alone so that they can meet up online and chat (I put it in the heading here so it will get onto Twitter). Isn’t technology wonderful. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Thank You, Internets #xmasathome

  1. Indeed – Estonia checking in. Weather was grey and mild – and very windy. Slept late, stayed in, read trash (Laurell Hamilton – Pace – don’t hit me. My daughter made me do it) Then I cooked: lamb was perfect pink & juicy, red wine gravy on mashed potatoes – my idea of heaven and then watched Hogfather, which is along with Love Actually one of my Christmas must watches.

    After the unending grind of the last weeks this peaceful, quiet day has been a blessing AND yes, Isn’t technology wonderful.

    Hope the rest of your evening is happy and fun. The cheese and port sounds like a good idea. I’ve got iced pumpkin spice cake & cognac and then to bed.

    Happt Christmas to all and to all a good night!

    1. In the beginning – like Cheryl – I felt abandoned, neglected, unloved – the usual self-pitying stuff. Now, like her, I see it as a treat. A rare 3 day stretch when I can’t be talked into working. I eat what I want – and don’t have to share – except with Neri. Stay up reading as late as I want; watch junk – or other on the box. It’s bliss!

    2. Like most things, it is complicated. I’d love to spend Christmas with Kevin, but I can’t. By myself is probably the next best bet. But I also know people for whom family Christmases are a great event. The thing that strikes me about the holiday is that it strongly privileges those who are fortunate enough to have a good family environment. That doesn’t apply to many LGBT people.

      I think also that one of the secrets to surviving Christmas is to manage your expectations.

  2. I am not sure how well I would do if I spent this holiday alone…so I admire you for being ok with it…I think I would be ok…but I don’t want it to be ok…
    Sorry to sound weirdly confusing.

    You and Martha both made me think about things…and that is good…
    take care…

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