On The Radio

Last night I had a brief slot on Bristol Community Radio’s LGBT show, Shout Out, where my friend Andy Foyle and I talked about events that we have planned for LGBT History month. We come on just past the half way point of the show. All of the shows are available for listening here. I can’t find a link to the specific show’s web page, but you can download the MP3 here.

2 thoughts on “On The Radio

    1. But, but… ABBA! 🙂

      Actually we got away quite lightly. I’m not sure where the Chumbawumba came from, but there was a definite plan to play songs from 1975, which is the year that Switchboard was founded. Hence the Cockney Rebel, and ABBA.

      Of course it could have been so much better (Broooooce!), but equally it could have been so much worse (By Cty Rllrs).

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