New Readers

The main effect of my appearance on Whatever appears to be that a bunch more people are reading this blog, at least temporarily. Google Analytics reports that to date 189 people clicked through to here from Whatever, which is way more than my average daily readership (but also less than 1% of John’s average daily readership). More permanently, five people have added the LJ feed to their f-lists. That’s what publicity on a very high traffic blog does for you. Thank you, everyone, and especially John.

A few quick comments for the LJ folks. Firstly my policy is to always friend back. I never make f-locked posts, so it makes no difference to me. You have to have done something pretty bad to me for me to ignore a friend request. Secondly, comments are disabled on the LJ feed. If you have something to say, please say it here.

4 thoughts on “New Readers

  1. As one of the people who added you to their friend list, I was kind of surprised to be friended back. I have been reading your blog off and on for a while – usually when Kevin links to it and for a few days after, then I forget. That’s why I added the LJ feed. I have no clue how to set up a regular RSS feed, so having an LJ feed collects the blogs I like to read in one place. Me, I’m basically lazy.
    Will you be coming to Marcon with Kevin next month?

  2. Kerry:

    I recommend Google Reader. It makes following RSS feeds really easy.

    I’m afraid I won’t be at Marcon. As per The Travel Question, I am only able to stay in the US for 6 months of every year, and that means back to the UK for me soon or I won’t be able to do Worldcon or the holiday period.

  3. Yes, I saw The Travel Question the other day. Hopefully, we can meet at WorldCon, then. I am on Bruce’s Art Show staff.

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