More Quiz Stupidity

I got caught by another one of those online quiz memes. This one purported to tell you whether you were a hard core science fiction reader. The preamble reads:

The Hard Core Fan knows that Science Fiction is first and foremost about the Written Word. Those of the body need only a paperback in the pocket and anyplace can be home. Do you read ravenously? Then this test is for you!

Ha! Having done the quiz I can tell you that it is nothing of the sort. It is a quiz for people who have read nothing in the last 30 years. A quiz in which the most modern writer mentioned is Harlan Ellison (aside from slipping in JM Straczynski as an obvious wrong answer). And then it has the nerve to say that only someone who knows their ancient history back to front can be a “true fan”.

Is it any wonder that young people don’t go to conventions when they see attitudes like that?

A hard core fan is not someone who only reads fiction that was popular decades ago and turns his nose up at anything more recent. A hard core fan is someone who keeps on reading as new books are published.

Not content with smug arrogance, the quiz also rates a FAIL on one of its questions:

What is the most important form that written Science Fiction shaped? the short story, the novella, the novellete, the novel.

I have no idea what the “correct” answer to that is supposed to be, but really, what a question.

Oh, and I did rate “true fan” when I took the quiz, though I’m sure I got several questions wrong.

I know, I know. I should just ignore online quizzes.

4 thoughts on “More Quiz Stupidity

  1. Sounds as though I’d do quite well on that one. But then I’ve never claimed to be a hard core fan, or a hard core anything. Hard core breaks your teeth. 🙂

  2. Twilight:

    Sadly I don’t have the time to write one.


    There’s nothing wrong with knowing all that old stuff. It is the idea that nothing written in the last 30 or so years matters that irritates me.

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