Interstellar War Not Declared Say Experts

Given all of the crisis in the financial markets, the last thing our poor little planet needed was to find itself on the edge of an interstellar war. Thankfully that possibility has (probably) been ruled out, at least according to astronomers at the University of Warwick. But just what has caused a massive burst of light in an area of the sky where no stars were known to exist is still a mystery. Nature has more details.

3 thoughts on “Interstellar War Not Declared Say Experts

  1. Of course, the other thing is that the Whateveritwas happened 8.2 billion years ago. The event was closer to the beginning of the Universe than it was to us.

  2. Yay, another science post that doesn’t leave me hiding under the bed!

    Seriously, I love a good science mystery. Thanks for posting this. 🙂

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