Getting On Board Quickly

There is an interesting article in today’s Guardian about a nuclear physicist who has developed an algorithm for getting passengers on board planes quickly. Essentially it is a “windows first” system, but with the added tweaks that you board from the front and you do all odd rows followed by all even rows. It might work. What little the article explains about the math seems sensible. But then again you have to enforce it. I can’t speak for all airlines, but it is rare that a United gate agent will be brave enough to enforce their boarding by seating area system when faced by an aggressive passenger who wants to be on the plane NOW!

2 thoughts on “Getting On Board Quickly

  1. The only thing that would put a fly in the ointment is people traveling together who would want to board together. Families would be an easy exception. But I know if I can get my husband to help…

  2. The article does acknowledge that families are an issue, but provided there are not too many of them it shouldn’t cause the algorithm to break down.

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