Day Out in Bristol

The Write Fantastic event in Bristol today was attended by a small but very select group of people not entirely restricted to me. Indeed, there were more people in the audience than there were writers, so by normal convention rules we could have the event.

They are funny things, signings. Sometimes you get loads of people, sometimes hardly any. Writers, for very many reasons, have to have very thick skins. But we did have a lovely chat, and afterward a small group of us had a very nice late lunch at a Turkish restaurant called Öz. My apologies to Juliet for the fact that I spent a lot of time talking to Chaz and Keri about World Fantasy.

I have bought the graphic novel version of Paul Cornell & Tim Kirk’s Captain Britain & MI13: Vampire State and in view of the up-coming November celebrations insisted on showing everyone the House of Commons scene. I also picked up the latest Fables collection which I have been reading and is very good.

2 thoughts on “Day Out in Bristol

  1. Adele:

    It is difficult to know what works. The store had notices up in the window. The various authors involved have talked about this online. I talked about it. Very few people turned up. Where would you suggest publicizing it?

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