Cures All Ills

What to do if you are bored and lonely over a holiday weekend? Watch video of Wales beating England at Twickenham: guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

Now here’s hoping for a similarly gritty performance against the Wallabies tomorrow…

4 thoughts on “Cures All Ills

  1. Myself, I’m working on promotional brochures for our book launches on Monday and Tuesday. *sigh*

    In case you’ve not been told, there was a 10 year memorial for Gunny at the MSFC last night. I believe Krin was there. Being 2000kms away I couldn’t make it (though I wish I had been able to: all things being equal, I would have flown down — see prev. para), but I wrote them a short piece which I’m told was read and, praise Sophia, did not spoil the evening for those present.

    This news break was brought to you by the number i and the letter þ.

  2. Darn, I knew I should have said something about no spoilers. Kevin won’t be able to get to see the game until Tuesday. Then again, he’ll probably be able to guess from the silly grin on my face which way it went.

    It was an OK performance. Parts of the Welsh play were very good, parts were well below par. The good thing is that the below par bits are mostly fixable.

    Not much fun being Martin Johnson right now though. He’s got a difficult home game against Italy that he has to win, and then visits to Cardiff and Dublin where the locals will be baying for blood.

    I wonder what weasel words the English media will come up with this weekend in order to imply that England did better than Wales.

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