Calling Toronto

Hello Canada. I’ve been asked to fly to Toronto to give a training course on Friday May 31st. Sadly Kevin isn’t free the following weekend, but I haven’t booked my flights yet and I was wondering if anything bookish was happening in the city on the weekend June 1/2 that would make it worth my sticking around.

Note that this trip isn’t certain. There’s a possibility that the DHS has put me on the no-fly list. My client knows this and is happy to take the risk. If I do get let into Canada then I’m hoping to come back for SMOFcon in December.

12 thoughts on “Calling Toronto

  1. Have a look at the Bakka-Phoenix Books website, they might have a book launch sometime that weekend. The only other thing I truly know about that weekend is that Sunday is my birthday.

  2. Hopefully you’re able to fly a non US airline. And I’m with (e)K. Appendages crossed.

    1. Bob: It doesn’t matter. The “All your Passenger Lists Are Belong To Us” rule isn’t based on “are you a US-based airline,” but on “Do you operate any flights to the USA, even if it isn’t this one.” That’s because the US has told every airline that operates to the USA, “Either do what we tell you to do or we’ll revoke your US landing rights.” Air Canada probably doesn’t want to lose the right to operate flights to the USA, and therefore they had to knuckle under to the USA.

      It was nice when I used to be a citizen of the Good Guys instead of the Evil Empire.

  3. What an awesome opportunity to test out getting into Canada relatively risk-free! But how sad that Kevin isn’t free.

    1. We did try to arrange it, but when you are running a training course the first priority is to have it on a day when all of the trainees are available.

  4. I just figured a non US carrier might be more gentle.

    And I agree with you on living in the Evil Empire. In too many ways the enemy is more us than ever.

  5. The Toronto Public Library has a big list of events, including the “eh List” author series… but there doesn’t seeem to be anything on June 1/2. has pretty good event listings (link should go to June 1/2 weekend). Looks like the Inside Out LGBT Film Festival is on then, if that interests you.

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