Worth A Thousand Words

One of the things that worried me about the talk I’m giving tomorrow is how much education some of the audience might need before I can start to talk about trans characters in books. But now, problem solved, I will just hand out copies of this.

Genderbread Person

It’s not perfect. Asexual people, in particular, are liable to be spitting furious about being left out. But it is a lot better than having to spend half an hour explaining the issues.

There’s a long discussion of the issues raised in the infographic, and a larger, printable version of the image here.

3 thoughts on “Worth A Thousand Words

    1. Interestingly enough @Andrew Trembley my first impulse was to put the “asexual triangle” under Gender Identity. Although it also fits quite well in Sexual Orientation. [And even mentioned as such with the “Or do you consider your gender to fall outside of the spectrum completely?”]

      But I agree that it does tend to confuse the issue when you are specifically talking about gender and gender preferences when you don’t have one.

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