Unclear on the Concept

Today’s best daft news story (with thanks to Caitlin R. Kiernan) is about the mythical “lesbian city” in Sweden. It is daft enough that anyone should believe that the Swedish government has managed to keep a city of 25,000 people secret for over 150 years. But why, oh why, do large numbers of men want to travel there?

4 thoughts on “Unclear on the Concept

  1. That is pretty crazy. I would like to think men visit Sweden due to the good size hills for climbing or the Swedish food. That is the first time I have ever heard of that story though.

  2. Maybe somebody got confused as to the size and location of Northampton, Massachusetts.

    In college, that was paradise, I tell you.

  3. Well, to be fair to them, from the article it sounds like they’re not actually lesbians, they just “made do” given the lack of men. Total het male fantasy material, that.

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