Today’s the Day

Apologies for the lack of April Foolery here this year. It has a lot to do with my being up until 2:00am with Day Jobbery.

Other people have been doing a fine job of compiling hoax round-up posts (notably Andrew Wheeler), so I won’t do one here. I will say, however, that the funniest thing I have seen so far this year was a fearless expose of a hoax. If you want to see absolute proof that NASA faked the moon landings, go here. (Thanks MEG!)

Of course I should also add that we in the UK don’t really need April Fool jokes. Why bother with hoaxes, when we have The House of Lords instead.

4 thoughts on “Today’s the Day

  1. For your geeky readers there is RFC 5841.

    1. Introduction

    In an attempt to anthropomorphize the bit streams on countless
    physical layer networks throughout the world, we propose a TCP option to express packet mood [DSM-IV].


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