That Darn Crab

One of the signs of getting old has to be that way too many of the people you know are fighting against cancer. Some, like Jay Lake, do this very publicly. Others prefer do it much more privately. The latest issue of Ansible brings news of something I wasn’t sure I could talk about it public, but obviously now can.

It is no secret that Diana Wynne Jones has been very ill over the past few years. What is news is that she has decided to stop the chemotherapy treatment for her cancer. As you should all know, chemo is a horrible thing that leaves you feeling dreadful. It is only worth doing if it is going to save your life. If it isn’t then you’ll have a much better time of the months or years left to you without it. While I am fully behind those of my friends currently going through chemo because they are young and fit and will have many years ahead of them once it is over, I also understand those who decide to discontinue treatment.

With the news having been in Ansible, lots of people are now talking about it online. At Diana’s official fan site there is an address to which you can send email (which will be printed out and mailed to Diana). I suspect that poor Meredith is overwhelmed with email right now, but if you do want to send something that’s the way to do it.

Alternatively, you could go and buy some of Diana’s books and read them. I think she would rather like that.

4 thoughts on “That Darn Crab

  1. : (

    Thank you for sharing about this. Her work, especially in the Chrestomanci universe, had a formative influence on me.

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