P-Con: Day 2

The morning began with a panel about gender genre bending. The panelists elected me moderator and I paid them back by asking them to define “genre”. Confusion inevitably followed. I have discovered that Laura Anne Gilman is allergic to the term “post-modernism”. This may be useful in the future.

The “aliens in Dublin” panel was great fun. I had brought a costume — a cat mask. Between us Juliet, Laura, John Vaughan and I managed to talk complete nonsense for an entire hour.

A panel titled “Is the Internet Indispensable” cries out to be subverted by technology. Some of the best comments came from the online audience via Twitter, but pride of place should probably go to RF Long who noted: “what happens on the Internet stays on the Internet; forever”.

Closing ceremonies have happened. Nick proved a very popular Guest of Honour. Next year’s GoH will be the very wonderful Ian McDonald. Julian West won the Frank Darcy Award with a very funny drabble. I did not win anything in the auction, but I did bag a very splendid “Friend of P-Con” certificate for (ahem) “services rendered”.

I have filed an audio con report with Star Ship Sofa. For all I know it might be online already. I, however, am headed back to the bar.

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