New Gwyneth Jones Novel

How did I not know about this? Worse still, how has it been allowed to happen?

Anyway, Gwyneth Jones has a new novel out. It is book 6 in the Bold as Love series, and it is called The Grasshopper’s Child. It appears from the Amazon page that Gwyneth has self-published it, I’m guessing because no one would publish it for her. If so that’s a dreadful state of affairs.

Anyway, sometimes you have to buy things from the piranhas because that’s the only way you can get them. So I did. You should too.

And talking of buying things from the piranhas, Gail Simone’s run on Batgirl is currently on sale at Comixology. If you don’t have them already, go get them now while they are 99c an issue.

2 thoughts on “New Gwyneth Jones Novel

  1. So I guess if I’m enough of a Luddite to not believe in Kindles, I’ll have to wait a lot longer to read this one.

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