Murphy Strikes

Last night the screen on one of my laptops died. The computer appears to be otherwise OK, and I certainly haven’t lost any data. The machine may even work fine with an external monitor — but I don’t have one to hand. What I am losing, however, is lots of time.

This could not have happened at a much worse time as I have a heap of things I must do before leaving for World Fantasy in just over a week. It all can be done, but I now need to spend time getting my software development machine configured for all of the communication jobs that the dead machine used to do. Also software development takes up a lot of machine resources, so I won’t be able to keep things like email and Twitter open all day like I used to.

So apologies in advance if I am less communicative that usual over the next couple of weeks. The funny noise you can here is me grinding my teeth in frustration.

Hey, but at least I get to buy a new computer, right?

6 thoughts on “Murphy Strikes

  1. Tell me about it. I had our main studio machine (which is our large-format print workstation, among other things) die earlier this week. The new machine is in, and I finally got it sorted satisfactorily this morning.

  2. Is it possible to use one of your other laptops as the external screen for the faulty one?

  3. Steve:

    No, laptops generally have screen out capability, but not screen in.

    I have noticed, however, that there’s a TV out socket on the back of the machine. I don’t have a PC monitor here, but there are a few TV sets. Unfortunately they are quite old and probably don’t have the right inputs sockets.

  4. They may have the old-style connections used for input from video recorders. I have a suspicion I have a set of leads which could handle that (came with my digital camera), so it might be worth checking out your local Maplins or Dixons (so long as you don’t need any actual advice from the MacJob rejects those shops hire these days).

  5. By the way, can’t recall if I actually managed to congratulate you on your Hugo win that night. The after-party was somewhat hectic. If not, please accept my applause now. (Wonder if I should auction the acceptance speech I had in my top pocket had Dave won…)

  6. Steve:

    What makes you think we have a Maplins or Dixons in Darkest Somerset? We do have a Currys, though, and they might have something.

    And yes, you have congratulated me at least twice now. Thanks! 🙂

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