Mike Carey Reminder

Fellside - Mike Carey
This is mainly for Bristol people, but there will be radio coverage too.

Next Wednesday (May 18th) Mike Carey will be in Bristol to promote his latest book, Fellside. He will be on the radio with me at lunchtime, and in the evening we’ll be doing an event at Waterstones. So poor Mike gets to be interviewed by me twice in one day. I hope he doesn’t get too bored.

I, er, promise not to ask him about the next Felix Castor book more than once per interview, OK?

Anyway, it should be great. If you are in Bristol, please do come along in the evening. You can book (for free) here. If you are not local, I’ll be posting the Listen Again links to the show. I’ll try to get audio of the thing in Waterstones too, but I can’t guarantee I’ll get anything of decent quality.

Oh, and Fellside? Gripping.