May Clarkesworld & Lightspeed

It’s that first of the month time again. Being somewhat travel-frazzled today, I’ve not paid a great deal of attention to the new magazines, but I have got them into the store. Here’s what we have.

The lead story in Clarkesworld is “Prayer” by one of my favorite SF writers, Robert Reed. As usual, that’s available in audio, read by the fabulous Baker girl.

Also available in fiction are “Synch Me, Kiss Me, Drop” by promising Canadian author, Suzanne Church, and “All The Things The Moon Is Not” by Alexander Lumans. Alexander got his first ever short fiction sale in Clarkesworld five years ago, and we are delighted to see how he has prospered since.

Jeremy’s interview for May is with fantasy author, Michael J. Sullivan. Jason’s column is “The Fairy Tale in the TV Age” by Alethea Kontis (hi Princess!). And the new Another Word column sees Elizabeth Bear sit speculative fiction down and have a little chat.

Neil’s editorial, fairly inevitably, focuses on the honors Clarkesworld has once again collected in the Hugos. And this month’s cover is “Sci-Fi Farmer” by Jessada Sutthi.

The new Lightspeed has new fiction from Linda Nagata, C.C. Finlay, Dale Bailey and Melanie Rawn. Charlie Finlay’s story is called “The Cross-Time Accountants Fail To Kill Hitler Because Chuck Berry Does The Twist”, which you pretty much have to read. There is also reprint fiction from Nicola Griffith, Dave Langford, Cat Valente and Kage Baker.

Lightspeed does that marketing thing of putting exclusive content in the ebook edition, which you have to pay for. This months offerings are extracts from the new novels by Paolo Baccigalupi and Kim Stanley Robinson.

Both magazines are available from the bookstore.