How To Interview A Trans Woman #GirlsLikeUs

Last week you may have seen quite a lot of angry tweetage about Piers Morgan’s disrespectful ambushing of Janet Mock on his chat show. Morgan will doubtless claim that prurient sensationalism is the only way that trans issues can be covered in the media (because, ewwwwwww!, right?). Well he’s wrong, and here to prove the point is Marc Lamont Hill doing a magnificent job of getting the best out of his guest and educating his audience.

Do watch it all the way through. There’s a bit at the end that will cause Piers Morgan to blow his tiny little mind.

Oh, and to all those white trans activists in the States who are going after Janet and Laverne Cox, kindly STFU. Janet and Laverne are the best thing that has happened to trans advocacy in a long time. You’d think that we, of all people, could manage a little intersectionality, but there’s always someone more interested in their own position than getting the job done.