ConGlomeration Goes Worldwide

Louisville, Kentucky might not be everyone’s idea of the place to go when it comes to science fiction conventions, but their local con, ConGlomeration, has ambitions to become a big player on the con circuit. And they are not trying to lure you to Louisville, they are going to come to you.

In an article on SF Signal their programming co-chair, Jay Garmon, explains:

We have a 300-person ballroom at our disposal. It will have Internet access, a few laptops, some webcams, and a digital projector and screen. We’re going to have virtual guests (via Tokbox videochat, in all likelihood), and we’re going to do programming involving pros and fans from all over the planet. There is no reason to limit our panels to physical locations. All that’s required are willing participants with a webcam and the ability to stay awake simultaneously for an hour. We’re living in the frakking future of pocket supercomputers, electric cars, and free global communications. Let’s act like it.

Amen, brother!

The convention takes place over Easter weekend (Friday, April 22 to Sunday, April 24 for 2011). If anyone from the con committees of Eastercon, Norwescon, Minicon or Swancon is reading this I suggest you get in touch with Jay right now. His email is in the SF Signal article.

3 thoughts on “ConGlomeration Goes Worldwide

  1. Thanks so much for noticing us, Cheryl. We’ve already heard from some potential allies and it’s due in no small part to your assistance. Fingers crossed, but there’s a non-zero chance we could be onto something special here.

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