Clarkesworld #50 Online

Yes, it is November, so there is a new Clarkesworld online. What is more it is issue #50. I understand that there are some celebrations going on in New York this week. If you can’t be there, you can always read and listen to the magazine.

The lead story in this issue is “On the Banks of the River Lex” by N.K. Jemisin, who I note also has a new novel out this week. I absolutely loved her first book. There’s another day before it hits the shops, but you can read the story today.

Or indeed listen to it, narrated as ever by the wonderful Kate Baker.

The second story this month is “Seeing” by Genevieve Valentine. As usual, that one will be available in audio in a couple of weeks time.

Jeremy has two interviews in this issue. The first one is with Lois McMaster Bujold and is, of course, all about the return of Miles Vorkosigan. The other is with steampunk queen Cherie Priest and covers a range of topics.

With the BBC’s Sherlock reboot just having started on American television, Ryan Britt provides us with a timely essay on the use of Holmes in science fiction. The great detective certainly fits in well to SF.

The cover for issue #50 is “Soulhunter” by Andrey Lazarev who is from Volgograd in Russia.

As ever, we hope that you will enjoy the magazine, and if you do enjoy it that you will see fit to donating something to cover our running costs. New citizens are always welcome.

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