Clarkesworld #36

The new issue of Clarkesworld Magazine is now online, and we have a bunch of great material for you.

There is fiction from Sarah Monette and N.K. Jemisin. The Monette story is also available as a podcast.

Jeff VanderMeer has a mass interview going with a whole pile of young writers, including Ms. Jemisin. They are a very interesting bunch.

And my contribution (which I actually commissioned rather than just bought) is an article by Paul McAuley about the possibilities for living on the moons of Saturn. It forms an excellent introduction to the world of his fabulous novel, The Quiet War (due out soon from Pyr). The article is accompanied by a bunch of fabulous photos of the locations in question taken by the Cassini probe (huge thanks to Carolyn Porco and her team at CICLOPS).

Also, you have a chance to win a copy of the novel. All you have to do to get into the draw is blog or tweet a link to this month’s and then go to the contest page and tell us about it.

So, you folks get over there and read, I have to start working on the next issue.