An Election Manifesto

Over at his LiveJournal, Kevin has been talking WSFS politics. You may think that such things are deeply boring, and mostly you would be right. And most of the time WSFS happens quietly behind the scenes and there is no need for those who do not want to be involved to pay it any mind. Every so often, however, it is necessary to air some of the laundry in public.

What Kevin is asking for is essentially a referendum on the work that he, I and others have done on the Hugo Awards Marketing Committee over the past few years: the web site, the logo, the active promotion of the Hugos. He’s asking for that because there are people who want us to stop doing those things, to return to what he describes as “an era of quiet neglect.”

Of course most of you won’t be attending Worldcon in Australia, so you won’t be able to vote for him. It is unfortunate that his seat on the MPC is up for re-election this year. But you can at least express support. One of the common claims of the conservatives within WSFS is that they are representative of the views of fandom, whereas Kevin and I are dangerous radicals bent on Destroying All We Hold Dear. It would be good to have some evidence that this is not the case.

Comments on Kevin’s LiveJournal, not here, please.