Technology Sucks

If you happen to be viewing this site under IE 6 you may have noticed that the sidebar has gone away on some pages. Well actually it hasn’t gone away, it has dropped down to the bottom of the page. IE 7 appears to work fine, if you feel like upgrading. In the meantime I am going to go away and say bad things about Microsoft for a while.

Anyone else out there who has a theme based on Sadish Bala’s Mistylook might want to take note because this probably affects you too, though only if you upgrade to WordPress 2.5.

Update: Hopefully fixed now, though I do mean “hopefully”. SFAW uses a similar set-up and the fix that worked fine here worked fine for SFAW on the test server but not fine when I sent it live. Thankfully dropping another pixel off the div width seemed to fix it.

Anyone out there using Safari 2, which is another browser that tends to cause me style sheet disasters.

Update 2: I forgot to mention that if you are having problems like this I now know where to get copies of old browsers to test. Thank you,!

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