Teddy Awards

Part and parcel of running SFAW is that I have to keep an eye on news reports from around the world. So it was that I discovered that at Berlinale, the Berlin International Film Festival, they have a special set of awards for films with LGBT content. And lo, they are called the Teddy Awards.

I can’t see anything on the web site that explains the origin of the name, and the trophy is in the form of a bear (Berlin has an ongoing relationship with the animal). But I’m going to assume that the awards are named after someone. Yay! Go Teddy!

2 thoughts on “Teddy Awards

  1. Mia – I’m sure you are right. I’m just being silly. You probably don’t know this (I see you are in Hungary – welcome!), but I happen to know someone called Teddy who would be a great person to name these awards after.

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