New Linkage Collection

Guess who has spent most of today staring at code rather than blogging.

– Alex C. Telander interviews AussieCon 4 GoH, Kim Stanley Robinson (podcast).

The Guardian puts the boot in to bad fantasy character names.

– Mark Kelly starts gathering some interesting statistics about how SF&F books are published.

– A Western Australia newspaper has a very positive article about Aussiecon 4.

– Jeff VanderMeer has compiled a wonderful list of recommendations of good 2009 SF&F from many different countries.

– Charles A.Tan talks to the publishers of an anthology of Tamil Pulp Fiction.

– On Saturday I tweeted about a group of people in V masks who were demonstrating outside of the Scientology offices in Tottenham Court Road. I now suspect that they may have been the racist and homophobic group talked about here.

– The Scavenger has an excellent interview with trans activist, Julia Serano.

The Guardian publishes another trans-positive article (which I note because it shows they are making progress).

– Australian resident wins the right to have no gender.

3 thoughts on “New Linkage Collection

  1. Re: Anonymous:

    “Anonymous is a group of individuals in America who preach anti-gay, anti-black and anti-Scientology messages via the internet. ” Thus spake the august tabloid press of Colchester.

    Some people acting as “Anonymous” are anti-scientologists. Some people acting as “Anonymous” are malicious, bigoted vandals. Conflating the two is one of those things that tabloid journalists do for a living. Whether the Gazette’s anonymous (!) reporter deliberately aimed to malign the anti-scientologists is open to conjecture.

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