Operation: Sex Change

You what?

Well, November 20th will see the 11th annual Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR), dedicated to remembering those people who have been murdered in the past year simply because someone disapproved of their gender presentation. In view of this, some folks at Bekhsoos (described as “a queer arab magazine”) have started Operation: Sex change on Facebook.

The idea is very simple. To support the campaign, all you have to do is change your gender on Facebook. I’ve done it. It didn’t hurt. You don’t need to change your profile picture or anything if you don’t want to. (Indeed, it may freak people out more if you do not.) But hopefully other people will notice, and that will bring TDOR to the attention of more people. And just maybe we’ll have fewer people to remember next year.

8 thoughts on “Operation: Sex Change

  1. I don’t know if it will do any good, but anything to promote the cause is worthwhile. It’s horrible the way transgendered people are treated these days, and for no reason other than fear.

  2. But, but…I finally got around to changing it to the *right* gender. I don’t want to change it again. 🙂

  3. When I saw the picture, I thought you got hit in drive by from Marcel Duchamp.

    While I support the cause, I’m not really sure how to modify my picture – it is clearly easier to draw a beard on a woman than to feminize my looks without more artistic talent than I possess.

  4. I added the beard myself using a simple graphics program. I have no artistic talent. But I accept that feminizing a male picture is more difficult.

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