4 thoughts on “Finncon Photos

  1. NO! You clammed up at exactly the wrong spot. The girl browsing manga in that fascinating costume, what was she cosplaying?

    BTW I’ve come across Finncon attendees complaining about the crowds and how hot it was and I can’t help but guffaw every time. That place has been packed silly during the Koneisto electronic music festivals. Imagine all the attendees moving inside, double their numbers and now imagine them drenched in sweat after hours of doing Caramelldansen.

    I apologize, that was a horrible image I just planted in your head.

  2. Ednal:

    I’m afraid I haven’t a clue what that costume was. She wasn’t in the CosPlay tournament. Hopefully there are some anime fans out there who can help.

    As to the crowds, I shall try to address that issue in the con report, which I really should be writing…

  3. The venue was crowded and hot at times, but well within capacity, and I suspect it was mainly first time con-goers who complained. The perennial wish of the sci-fi crowd about cutting ties with the anime crowd does however seem to come true. Next year the venue will be in Jyväskylä again, where the facilities are so small that they’ll get their wish by default (for one year at least). Some anime fans suggested descending en masse anyway instead of organizing a separate con. The idea amuses me to no end even though I know it would ruin it for everybody. However, in the end anime fans will probably cook up something on their own.

  4. Oh my god! So it was true!! Luckily there shall be Tracon in Tampere next year so I believe they shall arrange great fine anime con there and every gorgeous costume used by cosplay and hangaround anime fans goes there (though there has already been sent a question to our info mail about can one enter the event with anime costume).

    The situation – from the perspective of Jyvaskyla is impossible, what comes to the idea of arranging the animecon here. Whether anime people do that by themselves, or there shall be none.

    We need a break. In 2007 third of the Jyvaskya University campus and a school was not big enough. In Tampere 2008 the largest Nordic Congress centre was not big enough. Helsinki had this bold idea to take a factory, then, in 2009. There was enough air and space.
    Marvellous idea, absolutely wonderful con. Did not feel panicking at all in the crowd. And what great costumes.

    But we need a Finncon now, just a Finncon. The official expectation is 2010 attendees 🙂

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