Silence On The Personal Front

There’s a lot that I could be writing about what I’m going through right now. Mostly, however, I’m choosing to remain silent. Partly that’s out of consideration for other family members, but to a large part it is because it is become clear just how poisonous the culture around health care is these days. It is no longer the case that everyone is doing as much as they can for the patient. For many, probably the majority, of health industry workers these days the top priority is avoiding getting the blame if anything goes wrong. Because I now have to live within this culture, I have to be very wary about what I say publicly, just in case it could be somehow twisted and used against my mother, or against me.

5 thoughts on “Silence On The Personal Front

  1. I’m really sorry you feel the need to do that. I was interested in seeing how British health care differs from US.

  2. I find the comment about blame covering interesting, because most of the criticism of the US system is the costs as fueled by the extreme litigiousness. Is the issue here job security rather than lawsuits?

    1. The carers seem to be very over-worked and are probably poorly paid. It may well be a case of firing anyone who is perceived to be a risk of generating a complaint.

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