Thank You, Finland

Today has seen a veritable flood of orders at the bookstore. Almost all of them have been from Finland. I don’t know for sure why this has happened, but I rather suspect that someone has suggested that today, of all days in the year, would be a good day to make me happy. I’m very touched, and also delighted to see that many of the purchases have been of copies of Clarkesworld, or books published by Wyrm. Thank you, Finnish friends, you are truly wonderful people.

8 thoughts on “Thank You, Finland

    1. I’m totally overwhelmed. Must stop crying though. I have a list of names of dead people to read out this afternoon. I’ll cry afterwards. And they’ll be happy tears because of you folks. Thank you.

  1. It’s one of those eternity projects, to visit the store and decide what to get. It’s way too easy to push it to “the next week”. A common spree is what I needed.

    I hope the biggest effect will be tons of new folks discovering your site and visiting again in the future! Lasting friendships and all that. 🙂

  2. Didn’t know where else to put this, but as fellow Finns have reached out to you here. I guess I can too. I just want to take this moment to remind you of my friendship and support on this important day. I hope that this day of remembering will bring positive results from many sources and not only the trans-gender community. I am proud to call you my friend.

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