Tomb, Or More Than That?

There’s been some digging going on around Stonehenge of late, which has resulted in a flurry of media attention. I’m trying to avoid pointing to a pile of uninformed speculation, so I’m mostly ignoring it, but I did want to highlight this short piece from The Independent.

Why? Well because every time some archaeologist finds a grave in an ancient site they say, “aha! it must be a tomb/burial mound.” And I’m thinking about those future archaeologists excavating Westminister Abbey and saying, “aha! it must be a very elaborate tomb.”

3 thoughts on “Tomb, Or More Than That?

  1. I saw a slightly longer version of the article in the Merc today.

    The version I saw made a big deal about it being a burial site, but did indicate that its function (like Westminster Abbey) was a place of worship where important people were buried.

  2. Why am I not surprised that a Californian newspaper can have more sensible coverage of this than a UK one?

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