El Worldcon Habla Español

Worldcon is starting to get extended coverage in various media. The convention’s press team is keeping track of it all here. I was particularly pleased by the extended coverage that we got from Sitio de Ciencia-Ficción, a Spanish-language web site. It has been obvious for some time from the links we get to the Hugo web site that there is a lot of interest in SF in Spanish-speaking countries, but it is always nice to see it in action again.

All of which reminds me that I need to nudge you folks about ConReporter.com again. We are now up to 35 reporters, but we can always take more. After Miguel Esquirol Ríos’s excellent coverage I would really like to get more Spanish-speakers on board. And I want more countries. We don’t have anyone from Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Scandinavia or Japan. I know people from those countries are going to the convention. Surely some of them must be blogging.

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