Historical Fantasy Comes to Bristol

Historical Fantasy
Next week (Wed. Nov. 12th) at Foyles in Bristol there will be a major event on the subject of the links between historical fiction and fantasy.

One of the guest authors on the panel will be the fabulous Juliet E. McKenna who is, of course, published by Wizard’s Tower.

Alongside Juliet will be Jack Wolf, author of the fabulous The Tale of Raw Head and Bloody Bones, and Helen Hollick, who has written Arthurian and Pirate-themed novels. The whole thing has been put together by Bristol author, Lucienne Boyce, who is best known to me as a local historian but who has also written a novel, To the Fair Land, which tells of a voyage to the mythical land of Terra Australis.

Obviously such a collection of brilliant novelists needs to be kept well in hand, and that means they need someone to chair the event. That would be, er, me…

The event is free to attend, so I hope I’ll see a bunch of Bristol-based people there. For those of you who are not able to get to Bristol, Juliet and Lucienne will be joining me in the Ujima studio to preview the event and talk about their writing. For further details, see here.