ISF #1 Is Coming

The next issue of Roberto Mendes’ magazine, International Speculative Fiction, will be released tomorrow (there was an issue #0 in June). I’ve just been flicking through an advance copy and it looks very impressive. There are stories by Joyce Chng (Singapore), Rochita Loenen-Ruiz (Philippines) and Marian Truţă (Romania). In the non-fiction department Fábio Fernandes has dug up “Philip K. Dick: A Visionary Among the Charlatans” by Stanislaw Lem. This is a reprint of a 1975 article from Science Fiction Studies in which Lem opines that Dick is the only American SF writer worth paying attention to. Not that Dick is easy, of course. Lem notes:

Philip Dick does not lead his critics an easy life, since he does not so much play the part of a guide through his phantasmagoric worlds as he gives the impression of one lost in their labyrinth.

But then if he was an easy read he would be so much less worth reading.

Anyway, the magazine will be out tomorrow. It is free. And you can get it here. Plus, lovely cover (by Rafael Mendes).

ISF #1 cover