June Magazines

Another month, more magazines. This month’s Clarkesworld is full of science fictional goodness. All three stories this month have an SFnal tinge to them. We have:

The non-fiction opens with a great article by Stephen Gaskell that surveys the various sources science fiction novels have used for energy — all the way from Verne shooting his astronauts out of a cannon to zero point field energy.

Also in non-fiction, Jeremy has a round table about economics which ought to be interesting but has a very mixed bag of participants. Daniel Abraham talks about multiculturalism, and Neil presents some fascinating statistics about the magazine.

This month’s cover is “Target Detected” by Max Davenport.

Also new out is issue #25 of Lightspeed. It has plenty of great short fiction, but as usual I’ll focus on the carrots for buying the ebook edition — material you won’t find for free online. If you enjoyed the first part of Jeff Ford’s novel, The Cosmology of the Wider World (which I reviewed here when it first came out from PS Publishing) then you can read the concluding part in this issue. There are also sample chapters from the new novels by David Brin and N.K. Jemisin.