Expedition Report

Well, I have done Camden, I have done Covent Garden, and the sum total of money that I have spent on clothes is $0. This is actually a pretty good result. I had an enjoyable day, I got lots of exercise, I tried on several things that I liked, and none of them fitted me. Sometimes days go like that.

Still, I did buy a book, and thereby hangs a tale. I knew which book I wanted, and as I happened to be in Camden I popped into Waterstones. They had the book, and it was in a 3-for-2 offer. I spent half an hour in the store trying to find 2 other books in the offer that I wanted, and failed. So I gave up, and went to Forbidden Planet instead, where the book I wanted was £3 off instead, and I bought it. Silly things, 3-for-2 offers.