Frawgs In Store

I’m delighted to be able to announce that the entire output of Cheeky Frawg Books is now available for purchase in the Wizard’s Tower Bookstore. Currently all but one of the books is by Cheeky Frawg’s owners, Ann and Jeff VanderMeer. However, I know they are working with a lot of good people to bring out other books. I’m particularly looking forward to the promised Finnish translations. Also the book design is by my good friend Neil Clarke, so I can guarantee it is good. As Jeff notes, every book is lovingly hand-crafted, using only the finest 1s and 0s.

Right now you can buy the fabulously silly Kosher Guide to Imaginary Animals, lavishly illustrated by the brilliant Jon Coulthart. If you have ever wanted to know how to cook and eat a Mongolian Death Worm and other equally bizarre beasts, all in an appropriately kosher fashion, this is the book for you.

Cheeky Frawg is also offering Balzac’s War, a small collection of short stories set in the world of Veniss Underground (yes, with meerkats), and a long essay by Jeff on the works of Angela Carter, not to mention more fiction by Jeff and Amal El-Mohtar.

Selling good books makes me happy. I’m sure it makes Ann and Jeff happy too. And it might even make Jeff’s friend Evil Monkey slightly less grumpy.