As Promised…

… yet more books.

I added a whole lot more books this afternoon — from ChiZine and Lethe, plus the September magazines. Here are a few highlights.

From ChiZine we have Isles of the Forsaken, a new novel from Carolyn Ives Gilman. I reviewed her feminist SF novel, Halfway Human, in Emerald City and found it fascinating, so I’m interested to see what she has done this time. The book looks like a fantasy, but what do I know. I finished the new Glenda Larke “fantasy” trilogy today and discovered, as I had rather suspected, that it was science fiction all along.

From Lethe we have the 2011 edition of Steve Berman’s Wilde Stories anthology series. These are year’s best books collecting science fiction, fantasy and horror stories about gay men. The 2011 edition includes work by Laird Barron, Richard Bowes and Joel Lane.

As usual we have the September issues of Fantasy and Lightspeed. Fantasy has a Jonathan Lethem story in it, and I love the steampunk version of David’s famous portrait of Napoleon that they have on the cover. Lightspeed features David Brin and Ursula K. Le Guin (I’m guessing those and the Lethem are reprints, but I don’t own them). As usual if you buy both magazines you get 25% off the cover price. And while I’m here, huge congratulations to John Joseph Adams and Christie Yant who got married at Worldcon.

Finally, of course, there is issue #60 of Clarkesworld, about which I shall have a lot more to say this evening.

One small word of warning. While I was uploading this lot I got an email from the hosting service to say that the bookstore site will be offline for about 3 hours from 11:00pm to 2:00am UK time tonight for server maintenance. So if you go there and you can’t see anything, don’t worry, it should be back soon.