On the Road

I’ll be off to Sweden tomorrow for Eurocon, and am staying over for a couple of days on business. The convention says that there will be internet access at the venue. Fingers crossed. I have no idea what the situation at my hotel will be. However, I can no longer afford to spend large sums of money on access, so I can’t promise I’ll be online until Wednesday.

One thought on “On the Road

  1. SWEDEN !? Ah, right ..for just an instant there I thought that you said, SWINDON …

    “Take time to wander through its quiet courtyards and alleyways or enjoy a vibrant mix of traditional shops and pubs alongside modern outlets and stylish cafes and bars.

    With the arrival of the Great Western Railway in 1840 a whole new town was created between the new railway works and Swindon Hill. Today this is Swindon’s Town Centre. The centre is fully pedestrianised and offers both an indoor and outdoor shopping experience. Whether you are in search of the latest fashion, or have an eye for a bargain, this is the place to be. For those more creative purchases, look out for the local and international markets.”

    Oh, the Embarasment of it all.

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