Things May Happen

Or they may not. It is one of those times when I spend hours in meetings and writing emails and at some point something might get the status of Sekrit Projekt, or I might shrug and put the thinking cap back on.

What I can say is that there is a lot going on. And as a partial consequence of that Salon Futura #9 will probably go online a day or two late. I have to be in London on Monday/Tuesday, and I don’t want to put it live just before I leave because if I do that there will inevitably be problems that I won’t be able to fix for 2 days.

3 thoughts on “Things May Happen

  1. I know how you feel. I’m working 2 or 3 jobs, sending out proposals, speaking ‘nicely’ to people and all in the hopes that ‘one of these days’, one of these activities will bring in some money. Ain’t life at the tail end of an economic meltdown jus’ peachy.

  2. Bright Blessings on this collection of “something”! Crossing my fingers for you!

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