Salon Futura #8

We have a new issue online (probably the penultimate one, unless some sort of miracle like a lottery win happens, because of this).

It is, of course, full of good stuff. Gary Westfahl celebrates a major anniversary in the history of science fiction. Raz Greenberg looks at the new Jane Jensen video game. Alvaro goes in search of the literary essay. And Jonathan looks at the career of Yukinobu Hoshino.

In The Salon I talk about YA science fiction with David D. Levine, Imogen Russell Williams and Ben Jeapes. Our interview subjects are Nick Harkaway and R.F. Long. And there’s news of two new books from Wizard’s Tower.

And there’s a marvelous cover by Duncan Long, which has has written about on his blog.

You can find all of that lot here.