Economics Update

There’s more on the Nobel Prize for Economics over at the Wall Street Journal and The Economist. I’m slightly less pleased about Williamson now. I’m sure he’s right that there are areas where vertical integration isn’t a bad thing, but in electricity it tends to get used to destroy what little competition is actually possible. Given what people are writing about Williamson, he’d look at each case separately, but other people tend to go with “vertical integration is OK”, which can be dangerous.

Elsewhere Lynne Kiesling would like it to be known that she’s more of a libertarian than a Libertarian which, given the behavior of some self-styled Libertarians, is entirely understandable.

One thought on “Economics Update

  1. I heard the interview with Lynne Kiesling on NPR, and she sounds wonderful. Everything we could want.
    Almost the first thing she said was, this does not mean there’s no place for government. And she’s bluntly fierce about education opportunities for girls.

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