With Enemies Like These…

There used to be a time when trans people had a decent class of enemies. If we did get mentioned in the media those quoted would be highly respectable. Psychiatrists would explain how we were mentally ill and in need of incarceration. Chief Constables would explain that we were a danger to public decency. Politicians would ask why no one would think of the children that we were so obviously endangering. And archbishops would pray for our endangered souls.

Those days, it appears, are gone. These days we have the TERFs, whose submission to the Transgender Equality Inquiry was so bizarre that it left the MPs in no doubt as to who was unhinged here.

Fortunately for the TERFs, they do have allies. G*merG*ate loves them. And now, apparently, so does Jeremy Clarkson. All they need is Donald Trump and they’ll have a full house.

No wonder people are saying that being trans is a fashion. Who wouldn’t want to be hated by such people?