It’s Destroyin’ Time

Here I am channeling my internal Ben Grimm. Or possibly my internal Drax. Whatever, it is time to destroy science fiction again. This time we are doing it with glitter.

Yes, as you may have noticed from Twitter, the Queers Destroy Science Fiction Kickstarter campaign launched yesterday. In under 24 hours it not only fully funded, it blew through its first stretch goal. There are still 31 days to go, but that’s OK because there are more stretch goals to come. These include funding the companion Queers Destroy Horror and Queers Destroy Fantasy titles. Destruction is good, right?

Why do we need this? Well the first personal essay is up on the campaign page. It is by Michael Damian Thomas who quotes from a 1-star Amazon review of his Queers Dig Time Lords anthology:

“Just another attempt to gain civilizations approval of their flawed agenda. What does LGBTQ have to do with Sci-Fi and Doctor Who and what is there to celebrate? Kinda desperate to me….”

What does LGBTQ have to do with Doctor Who? Oh, that poor, hopelessly sheltered little dudebro. He has no idea. I think we have a duty to educate, don’t you?

In case you need further encouragement, here’s Mark Oshiro: