Book Covers – An Ongoing Issue

One of the things that tends to get people riled up on the Internet these days is book covers. There always seems to be some new source of outrage, often with good cause. But crap or inappropriate covers are nothing new. John Coulthart has put up an excellent post looking at the history of covers from M. John Harrison’s Viriconium books. Some of them are really nice pieces of art, but are totally inappropriate for the content. John promises a follow-up post suggesting avenues for exploration with regard to Viriconium cover art. I’m looking forward to it.

One thought on “Book Covers – An Ongoing Issue

  1. Oh, the joys of going through the “getting the right cover” on a book!

    Offered for your amusement, the cover image to the 1963 Consul paperback of an August Derleth book:

    And the cover to Larry Niven’s 1966 collection “World of Ptavvs”

    Earl Kemp in his fanzine “eI” ran a series of pieces on reused art on the adult/sleaze paperbacks of the 60s.

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